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Safeguarding Hub – Document Vault

CIT - Community Inclusive Trust. Where learning comes first

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Please note: there are multiple walls in the Document Vault. If you are unsure where to find a particular document, search for it using the table at the bottom of the page.
Some documents are links, others will save to the ‘Downloads’ folder on your device.

Wall 1

Wall 2

5 Principles Poster21
Brook Traffic Light Tool11
Changes Made to Model Safeguarding Policy23
Child Protection Records Retention and Storage Guidance23
C.I.T Policies11
C.I.T Safeguarding Handbook11
C.I.T Safeguarding Training Pathway25
DfE Promoting British Values15
Draft CIT Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy - Leics24
Draft CIT Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy - Lincs22
Draft CIT Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy - Notts21
Education Inspection Framework15
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)25,6
Filtering and Monitoring Protocol12
Inspecting Safeguarding (Ofsted)16
KCSIE 202312
Notice Board Protocol24
NSPCC PANTS Resources14
Prevent Duty Guidance14
Protocol on Sharing Information13
PSHE Curriculum Guidance16
RSE Guidance13
Safeguarding Audit Framework26
Safeguarding Training Record21
Safer Working Practice12
SCR Guidance22

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