Welcome to the C.I.T Safeguarding Hub!
Click on the image to begin and scroll down for further information about what is available.
Please note: the Virtual Safeguarding Hub works best on a desktop or laptop.

Central CPoms (click on C.I.T logo). All central staff will be able to record any concerns using the Low Level Concerns policy.
Resources Room (click on left door). Accessible to all. Schools will be able to access materials to ensure compliance with the CIT 3 year safeguarding pathway.
Bulletins (click on newspaper). Accessible to all. The Trust Safeguarding Lead (TSL) will be producing a monthly newsletter. This will update all stakeholders across the Trust on safeguarding changes and research. It will also include any policies and implications for schools.
School Audits (click on tablet). Password protected. When schools update their self-evaluation audits, the document will be uploaded into the respective room so the TSL can access what leaders have evaluated. This will ensure that the TSL can see whether the school judges safeguarding as being effective, where previous recommendations have been acted on and how updates have been managed.
Document Vault (click on right door). Accessible to all. This will include local authority policy models that have been adapted to the Trust and any Trust, Ofsted, Gov.uk, LA or safeguarding association documents.
Dashboard (click on screen). Password protected. Headline information about all schools will be held on the dashboard so that Trust leaders and Trust Board will be able to see information about all schools. This will include how schools self-evaluate against the audit. The Trust will be able to hold the TSL and central team to account for what is being done for any schools where safeguarding is not yet effective.
Events Calendar (click on the calendar). Accessible to all. Any safeguarding event such as deadlines, training, health checks or national dates will be available to all stakeholders via the online calendar. This is to help school leaders plan their year and when safeguarding jobs need to be done.