In September 2016 following a positive consultation with stakeholders, the school opened Little Linchfield Pre-School aimed at children from 3 to 5 years old (opening hours of 9am to 3pm, term time only). Prior to opening, the Local Authority evaluated the local need for nursery places. Due to the proximity of Carousel Nursery to the school site (their building is actually located within the school grounds) it was agreed that the Pre-School could operate as a PVI business (Private, Voluntary or Independent) and would not be classed as a designated LA Nursery Class.
However, it has become evident that local demand for childcare is seeking more than Little Linchfield currently offers. Parents, in particular those that are working, are choosing provisions that offer longer hours (7am to 6pm) and are open all year round.
Little Linchfield Pre-School needs a minimum of 18 children to be financially viable. Over the last year, the number of children accessing Little Linchfield Pre-School has dropped significantly with just 7 parents/carers provisionally booking places for September 2022. Therefore, the business is not financially viable.
For more information please CLICK HERE on the document below.
To leave feedback, please CLICK HERE.
This consultation opened on Thursday 1st September, and will close on Wednesday 28th September 2022.
Thank you.