When teachers take learning outdoors they report some powerful impacts: Children’s behaviour improves, whole classes are excited to learn, and individuals who feel inhibited by the curriculum often thrive in an outdoor environment. When adults think back to their own happiest memories of childhood, they frequently recall the joy of playing outdoors. Play is not only central to children’s enjoyment of childhood, but teaches critical life skills such as problem-solving, teamwork and creativity.
Building on the success of the 2018 campaign, our aim is to get as many children as possible playing and learning outside in 2019. For some schools, this will be an opportunity to try learning outside the classroom for the first time. For teachers who regularly take students outdoors, the day will be a celebration of what they are doing already and a chance to inspire other schools to get involved. For everyone, Outdoor Classroom Day will act as a catalyst for more time outdoors every day. (Information from www.outdoorclassroomday.org.uk)
GANF Lower School pupils headed to our Forest School for the whole day to look at experiencing nature, to show them all how to enjoy the natural world and to understand how important nature is to us.
Sandon School’s day was Monday 13th May and was themed around ‘A Bug’s Life’. Pupils had to imagine and create their favourite bug using natural materials, create a bug using paint, find bugs in their natural habitats, understand what food they eat and create a home for them.
Ambergate School’s day was Tuesday 14th May and theirs was themed around ‘Poseidon’s Trident’. Pupils had to create a creature from the sea, make a turtle, make a trident, search for Neptune’s cave, and build the inside of Neptune’s cave.
The weather was absolutely glorious and the two days have been extremely positive and demonstrate why learning outdoors is such an important part of a pupils development through their school years.
To watch the Sandon School short film of the pupils enjoying Outdoor Classroom Day CLICK HERE.
To watch the Ambergate Sports College short film, CLICK HERE.