Over the past six weeks during the summer term pupils at Woodlands Academy have been working in various bubbles.
Pupils from bubble three have been able to continue with some of their photography work and have produced some excellent work considering the circumstances. Due to not being able to go off site and take images we have had to concentrate on studio work looking at the world in detail that we live in. As we are able to access our own woodland on site pupils decided to look at the details within the flora and fauna using a photographic technique called high key photography along with a macro lens which allows the pupils to photograph the subject matter extremely close. Using the macro lenses and techniques allowed the pupils to see the subject matter really close up giving them a different perspective of the living world.
One of the projects we undertook was related to Covid-19. Having discussed with the pupils what Covid-19 was and how it can affect everyone they came up with an idea on how photography could represent a way of beating it. Pupils wanted to portray that Covid-19 was anonymous and that anybody was able to catch it if you didn’t follow the guidelines. The image was taken by two pupils one from year 10 and year 9 who spent a few hours trying to perfect the shot making sure the covid-19 was exactly in the correct place. The image has not been altered or Photoshop to achieve the final result.
The final image is a close up of water photography which is when the subject matter throws water directly at the camera. The image is done by the subject matter standing behind a plastic screen and throwing the water directly onto it. The pupil taking the shot was able to capture the moment the water hit the screen giving the impression the water was thrown directly at the camera. Whilst working on the images pupils have still been working towards their NCFE Level 1 photography course by completing set projects and photographic shoots.