Wednesday 27th November saw every pupil and staff member at Poplar Farm School enjoy a day of creative activities as they put their pens and pencils down to celebrate the initiative developed by Speech and Language UK.
Following an assembly to introduce the day and collect all pens and pencils, pupils returned to their classrooms for a ‘show and tell’ extravaganza, the theme for this year’s event across the country. Classes then delved into a range of activities which included:
- Learning Makaton, Morse Code and British Sign Language
- Using teamwork and communication skills through Shoe Stacking, including an attempt to break the Guinness World Record
- A variety of practical Maths activities
- Learning and speaking different languages, including Spanish
- Discussing and designing a theme park
- Singing and so much more!
Bryony Mason, Assistant Headteacher and SENCo, said: ‘This was our third year taking part in No Pens Day as a school to raise awareness of speech language and communication difficulties, in support of Speech Language UK.
Each year pupils across the school have enjoyed the activities on offer during the day, exploring different forms of communication and why they are important. This year some classes have learnt Makaton, our Poplar Promise using British Sign Language and Morse Code.
The focus today has been a whole school ‘show and tell’. Pupils were asked to prepare something to show or talk about with their class – a photograph, an item, a memory or something imaginary!’