The Childnet Education Team has recently seen an increase in the number of teachers asking them about online challenges and crazes. They have written some advice for professionals on how to respond to this and any other craze or hoax they may come across.
Online challenges and crazes have become a key trend to be aware of when supporting and educating young people about how to stay safe online. Challenges come in many forms and can involve upsetting, harmful or viral content.
Over the last few years, we have seen a range of online trials. Some, such as the ASL Ice Bucket Challenge and the No Makeup Selfie, can promote and raise money for great causes. However, other challenges such as ‘pain challenges’, and ‘Neck Nominate’ videos can harm young people and adults who take part.
It is important that whether a challenge is rumoured or real, educators have the tools they need and are ready to deal with such challenges and are able to support young people.
There are 8 top tips for responding, they are:
- Keep calm and do your research
- Avoid showing any upsetting or scary content
- Avoid naming concerning or dangerous challenges
- Give children opportunities to speak to you if they are worried
- Talk to children about reporting and blocking
- Talk about peer pressure
- Signpost to support
- Engage with parents and carers appropriately
To learn more about these top tips please visit the Childnet website HERE.