Sandon School are delighted to announce that they have been awarded the Artsmark Gold Award.
The Artsmark Award strives to inspire young people through Arts and Cultural experiences.
Their feedback from Artsmark said:
“You are evidently committed to the Arts at Sandon School.
Staff have worked hard to both embed and extend your arts provision which is enriching ‘Valuable, Inspiring, and Personalised’ learning for your pupils and helping them to develop skills that will support their transition into the wider world.
Your sensory curriculum is carefully tailored to meet the profound and multiple learning needs of your children through arts-based therapies, such as ‘Didgeridoo’ and ‘Jo Jingles’ music sessions. These are enabling children to develop their fine and gross motor skills, whilst building their self-esteem.
As a result of your Artsmark journey, you have strengthened your music curriculum through investment in the ‘Charanga’ music scheme of work, which has boosted teachers’ subject knowledge so that they now feel confident to deliver discrete, weekly class music lessons. Staff have also developed their skills by working alongside professionals in the ‘Together through Music’ project.
This venture has given pupils new opportunities to participate in live musical performances and, through their musical experiences, they have been able to improve their social and communication skills, resulting in improved behaviour across the school.
The ‘EVOLVE’ project, in partnership with your Music Hub and a local school, culminated in an inclusive, live performance at your local Arts Centre, fostering a sense of pride and achievement for all the students and strengthening partnerships with parents and community. Assessments using the Leuven Scales reveal that pupil engagement in the Arts has increased exponentially – well done!
Staff have developed a three-year music and art curriculum cycle which is enabling pupils to progress their skills, knowledge and understanding, and is supporting teachers’ planning. Participation in the ‘Unify’ dance project gave your students aspirations towards careers in the Arts, as they helped to choregraph and lead performances, and supported peers to learn dance steps.
Senior leaders are evidently committed to staff professional development by facilitating visits to other setting; coaching; co-teaching; and CPD sessions. Going forwards, further detail about the longer-term effects of the training you mention would give us better comprehension of its intent and impact on pedagogies across the school.
Despite the barriers that Covid-19 have presented to your Artsmark journey (such as the completion of your amphitheatre project and implementation of Arts Award) this does give you a clear direction for your arts work going forward, and we look forward to learning the effect of Arts Award on children’s ownership of their personal progression within the Arts. You are well placed within your MAT to start to strategically plan ways to grow your sphere of influence and evidence the impact of sharing your good practice through your buddying system.”
Amy Arms-Rawden, Lead Teacher for Artsmark said: “We have been working towards this award for 2 years and are extremely proud of our creative achievements. We would like to thank everyone who has supported our journey.”