The children and staff at Chapel St Leonards Primary School are proud to report they have enjoyed record ‘progress scores’ across the last academic year. The results for the school, which joined the Community Inclusive Trust as a sponsored academy in March 2018, show the impact of recent changes.
‘Progress scores’ show how much progress pupils at an individual school made in reading, writing and maths between the end of key stage 1 and the end of key stage 2, compared to the rest of their peers across England.
The recent cohort of Year 6s at Chapel St Leonards made excellent progress in all three core subjects, significantly Maths where their score of 2.0 is ranked 38th out of the 329 primary schools in Lincolnshire!
The writing score of 1.5 also showed a substantially strong improvement during Key Stage 2 with the school once again positioning themselves inside the top 50 in the county.
And a 0.9 in Reading ensured impressive progress across the board with such a score still comfortably above 80% of Lincolnshire.
Graham Almond, Headteacher at Chapel St Leonards, explained: “We are really pleased with our SATs performance in 2019 and very proud of the children who all tried their best. Our progress scores are the best the school has produced under the current testing regime.
However, we also recognise that such assessments are just one way of measuring the performance of the school and its children. We fully value all of the other talents and amazing things the children achieve across our school that cannot be tested.”