On Friday 23rd June 2023 Ambergate Sports College held its first chess tournament in upper school.
Ambergate caters for pupils between the ages of 3 and 16 with moderate to severe learning difficulties and complex needs.
Twelve eager pupils entered the first stage of the knockout tournament with six successful pupils entering the second stage.
Excitement grew as the final three pupils’ names were put into a hat for the semi-final. The final ended in a draw, so a re-match then took place which also ended in a draw! Both players conceded to the result being confirmed a draw.
On Thursday 29th June both winners, Thomas Westlake and Aden Clark, were presented with their prize of a wooden, magnetic chess set each, kindly donated by Friends of Sandon and Ambergate (FOSA) and Dave Capindale, who also very generously gave up his afternoon to adjudicate the sessions.
Congratulations to everyone who took part and Ambergate looks forward to hosting another tournament in the new academic year.