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Greenfields Academy rated ‘Good’ in all areas by Ofsted

CIT - Community Inclusive Trust. Where learning comes first

Staff and pupils at Greenfields Academy in Grantham are delighted to announce they have been rated ‘Good’ across the board, following a recent inspection from Ofsted.

The report commented on how ‘pupils’ safety, welfare and learning lie at the heart of the Greenfields Academy way’.

Ofsted noted how ‘pupils are positive about their learning and enjoy school’, enhanced by the ‘opportunities to take part in exciting activities. They go on trips out of school and residential visits. These enrich pupils’ learning and widen their experience.’

The new primary wing was also recognised as a setting making early progress.

‘Although the primary stage is only into its second year, younger pupils are settled and making positive steps in their learning.’

Ofsted descripted that such progression in the pupils’ learning is underpinned by ‘staff that are very positive and passionate about their work.’

With a clear plan in mind, ‘staff expect all pupils to achieve their best. Their plans for learning focus on building pupils’ knowledge over time, ensuring that pupils work towards the long-term goals of their education and health and care (EHC) plans.’

The report was also complimentary of the support for teaching staff at Greenfields.

‘The Trust (C.I.T Academies) provides very good support. Leaders and governors are considerate of teachers’ workload. They put into action ways to reduce unnecessary tasks.’

There is a clear focus on supporting pupils for life beyond school.

‘Staff encourage all pupils, including those who are disadvantaged, to be independent. They support pupils to move around the school and make choices on their own. Staff’s expectations of pupils are high and pupils rise to the challenges set.’

Greenfields are driven to providing their pupils with a step on the careers ladder.

‘Staff support pupils’ personal development well and help prepare them for adult life.

Leaders and other staff support older pupils to gain appropriate qualifications in different subjects before they leave the school. Leaders make sure that pupils and their families are offered good advice as they consider careers and courses for their next steps.’

It was also recognised that ‘pupils respect each other and staff. Pupils say that behaviour has improved and school is a safe place.’

Ofsted noted, ‘a typical comment made by parents was, ‘I really couldn’t thank them enough for the amazing life-changing work they do every day.”

Chris Armond, Executive Headteacher of Greenfields Academy, was proud of the outcome.

“This is a very pleasing report and reflects the hard work that has gone into the academy since joining C.I.T.

This outcome gives us a solid platform to drive further improvements and make sure our pupils achieve excellent outcomes.”




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