As part of Anti-Bullying Week (12th – 16th November 2018) Sara Parker and Alison Fry from NSPCC carried out an informative Parent/Carer E-Safety Workshop on Tuesday 13th November at Ambergate for GANF parents.
O2 and NSPCC have joined forces in a mission to help all children and their families in the UK stay safe online. Sara and Alison outlined the great uses of the internet and reiterated that we do not want to stop our children from using the internet but teach them how to keep themselves safe! A scary fact that Sara and Alison shared was that all of the apps on the picture to the right have been accessed by primary school age children, many of which have age restrictions of age 13+!
The main message from the workshop was that we need to be working together to protect our children online as well as teaching them to protect themselves. It is really important that parents and carers familiarise themselves with the games, apps, websites that their children are using and get to know the security features that can be put in place to keep them safe. If you need some guidance on the apps and games that are around, such as setting security features or age restrictions, please visit www.net-aware.org.uk
We would like to say a big thank you to Ambergate’s Hospitality Class for making and serving delicious cakes and refreshments for the parents/carers and raising a total of £25.40 for the NSPCC!
Useful support:
- NSPCC Net Aware has information about the most commonly used apps by young people – www.net-aware.org.uk
- NSPCC Share Aware has ideas on conversation starters you can use with your children and advice about staying safe online – www.nspcc.org.uk/shareaware
- ThinkuKnow for parents is advice for parents from CEOP’s ThinkuKnow education programme – www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents
- UK Safer Internet Centre has further advice and guidance for young people and parents about staying safe online are available from www.saferinternet.org
- The NSPCC Helpline is open 24 hours a day, ready to give support and advice to any adult who’s worried about a child – Call: 0800 800 5000, Visit: nspcc.org.uk/help, Email: help@nspcc.org.uk
- On the O2 hub you’ll find articles on everything from online bullying to the apps your children are using. You can also get help on setting parental controls and general tips on how to keep your children safe – Visit: https://www.o2.co.uk/help/nspccCall: 0888 005002 or you can also book a free appointment with an O2 Guru in an O2 store (you don’t need to be an O2 customer to use this service!).