Chapel St Leonard’s Year 5 pupils have enjoyed an amazing school trip to Lincoln Cathedral. The children engaged so much; it was a superb day out for them.
Here’s what some of the pupils said about their visit…
Sydney: “On our trip to Lincoln, the part I enjoyed the most was walking along the Castle walls. It was scary and also exhilarating. The Cathedral was interesting, really interesting. We dressed up as pilgrims and drunk ‘small beer’ (apple juice) and ate bread. We learnt that when they installed the bell into the Cathedral, they paid small boys to be attached to it so that they could protect both the bell and the Cathedral!”
Lola: “When the Year 5 class of 2023 went to Lincoln Cathedral, we had a great time. We learnt some fascinating facts along the way. Pilgrims had to walk for days to get to the Cathedral and they were very tired, so their remedy was to eat herbs like lavender, mint and rosemary. We learnt that behind one of the carvings of the Kings above the main entrance is a carving of the sculptor’s puppy!”
Rylee: “I was amazed by the strong, towering walls. My favourite thing in the Cathedral was wearing the pilgrim cloaks. I loved going to the Castle and looking at the wonderful views of Lincoln from the wall. Did you know that if it wasn’t for one of the rulers of the Castle – Nicola de la Haie – we would all be speaking French?”
Casey: “I faced my fears when we visited Lincoln Cathedral. I was able to climb up on top of the Castle walls, with Mr Shaw to help me. I felt so proud of myself, and my class gave me a round of applause. We even saw a wizard while we were at the Castle too!”