Staff and pupils at Poplar Farm Primary School are delighted to share that they have been rated ‘Good’ in all areas following a recent inspection from Ofsted.
Ofsted inspected the school in January and noted in their report that “Poplar Farm School is welcoming and inclusive.” “Pupils are curious, positive and resilient learners and enjoy their learning.” “Leaders provide a wide range of opportunities for pupils’ personal development. This is a strength of the school. Leaders place a high priority on pupils’ mental health and well-being.”
Ofsted spoke to the pupils, who said “they feel valued and safe.” Ofsted commented that “pupils understand routines well and respect staff. They behave well around the school and in lessons. Pupils are proud of their positions of responsibility. They enjoy being librarians, ecowarriors and school councillors. Pupils feel that they make a real difference to the lives of others”.
Ofsted reported that “Leaders have a clear vision for what learning looks like at Poplar Farm. They have considered the needs of all pupils when designing the curriculum.”. They went onto say that “teachers use assessment well to check pupils’ learning in reading and mathematics. They adapt learning when pupils need to go over concepts.” Ofsted also recognised that “Leaders prioritise reading. Children begin to learn to read as soon as they start school. Staff are skilled in helping pupils to learn new sounds and letters.”
Ofsted also included that “Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) thrive at Poplar Farm. Children learn well together. They discuss their learning with excitement.” Adding that “leaders and the Trust keep pupils’ well-being and safety at the forefront of their work. They ensure that it is everyone’s responsibility to keep pupils safe.”
Kate Hodson, Headteacher of Poplar Farm Primary School:
“I am incredibly proud of the pupils and staff team at our school. I feel that the report reflects who we are as a school, and celebrates our values and ethos. It was a joy to hear that the inspectors could see how our ‘Poplar Promise’ is lived and breathed in all areas of school life, by pupils and staff alike and that our enrichment festival ‘PopFest’ is already such a well-loved event in our school calendar.”
Peter Bell, CEO for CIT Academies, added:
“I would like to thank all the staff, parents and pupils, as well as our education partners, for creating such a wonderful educational environment at Poplar Farm. I’m delighted and well done to Kate Hodson, the Headteacher, and her team for achieving Good in all areas during its recent Ofsted inspection.”