Pupils at St Paul’s Community Primary School and Nursery shared a love of reading with their families and friends as they turned the pages on a series of activities to celebrate World Book Day.
Launching the event with parents, carers and friends of the school, St Paul’s hosted a ‘share a story and song’ afternoon, opening their doors to enjoy a fun afternoon of reading as a school community the day prior to World Book Day on Thursday 5th March.
On the day itself, pupils and staff aligned the classrooms with attire of their favourite book characters as they immersed themselves in a range of reading activities. Sharing stories as part of the World Book Day ‘Share a Million Stories’ initiative, pupils also wrote some outstanding book reviews and designed star pictures of their favourite story moments.
Watch a video of World Book Day at St Paul’s here.
Reception class also enjoyed a reading afternoon, looking at “The Marvellous Moon Map” – they worked with their parents and carers to undertake a range of practical activities using their reading skills.
But the reading fun does not end there as St Paul’s delve into another exciting week of book activities – watch this space for more coming soon…