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The Priory School say #HelloYellow as they explore Mental Health Awareness

CIT - Community Inclusive Trust. Where learning comes first

Friday 11th October was #HelloYellow Day where schools and workplaces are invited to wear yellow to raise vital funds for Young Minds; a Mental Health support charity. With peers and colleagues wearing matching colours it helps to show everyone that they’re not alone.

The Priory School took part in the day that concludes Mental Health Awareness Week, raising £86 to support the work of Young Minds. Miss Taylor, SENDCO for Key Stage 3, explored Mental Health awareness and the #HelloYellow initiative with a whole school assembly that looked at different scenarios, how people could be feeling and what they, or others, could do to make them feel better.

The work did not stop there as pupils continued to explore Mental Health awareness in their PSHE lessons the following week.

Some classes played wellbeing bingo and pupils set themselves a target of one thing they could do to be kind to themselves throughout the week. Other classes also followed the live BBC wellbeing lesson with a Young Minds Ambassador and Psychologist, completing activities on what different emotions feel and look like, and how to support themselves.

Meanwhile, Year 9 and 10 completed a variety of activities following the BBC ‘Messy Minds’ documentary which followed three teenagers who suffer from Mental Health conditions. The programme explored how Mental Health affects their lives and their determination not to let it hold them back.


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