Following the Department for Education’s call for a digital revolution in classrooms last summer, schools across C.I.T Academies have joined Rocket Fund, a free crowdfunding platform to help pupils access new technology.
The projects range from providing new iPads to accessing sensory pebbles across the eleven schools in the multi-academy Trust.
As an extra incentive, Rocket Fund have announced that they will pledge an additional £250 to the first 40 schools that reach £250 in their fundraising bids.
Take a look at the projects below and see if you can fund a donation to support the education of local pupils:
Chapel St Leonards Primary School are raising funds for new laptops:
As the world becomes more dependent on technology, IT skills are as essential as reading and writing to be positive community members. In providing access to technology early on, our pupils can quickly become proficient and begin to explore the opportunities modern technology grants us. Not only does this equipment allow our children to develop the skills necessary for the modern world but also gives them a platform to express themselves and communicate their feelings. Using software such as GarageBand or MovieMaker, pupils will have access to creative tools not usually available to them. Read more: https://rocket.fund/p/ChapelSL/
Caythorpe Primary School are raising funds for BeeBots:
IT is maintained throughout the whole curriculum showing our children how technology can be used and developing their proficiency in using IT systems. With the world becoming more dependent on technology and children being introduced to coding at an earlier age, the BeeBots provide an accessible pathway to coding. This early introduction will mean we can encourage our children to tackle more complex projects when using the software package – Scratch. Read more: https://rocket.fund/p/Caythorpe/
Poplar Farm Primary School are raising funds for a Sensory Project:
We want this equipment to ensure all our pupils have their needs met and have opportunities to reach their potential. For pupils without EHCPs (Educational Health Care Plans), they will access an engaging space which brings education to life and supports them to develop gross and fine motor skills and expand their world view. By providing sensory equipment, we ensure pupils with EHCPs feel part of the Poplar Farm family and aren’t excluded from mainstream education. Read more: https://rocket.fund/p/PoplarFarm/
Isaac Newton Primary School are raising funds for iPads:
IPads provide our pupils with an interactive environment to develop a deeper understanding of each subject. The interactive aspect and the instant response from this equipment helps to engage our pupils and keep them focused. Many of our pupils access the internet at home, and many of them often have an IT knowledge that surpasses their parents or carers. Using the iPads, we can teach them how to stay safe online and educate them on the dangers that can be found online. Read more: https://rocket.fund/p/IsaacNewton/
Woodlands Academy are raising funds for PCs:
Further PCs will mean our pupils have the opportunity to spend more time individually using specialist software and undertaking class work. Improved access to this equipment and software means we can provide our pupils with a pathway into further education or a career in these specialised areas. Read more: https://rocket.fund/p/Woodlandsac/
Greenfields Academy are raising funds for an IT Update:
Laptops provide our pupils with an interactive environment to develop a deeper understanding of each subject. Our pupils have access to a variety of software from basic Microsoft Office to specialist programmes like Stop Motion Pro and Adobe Lightroom. In offering a diverse range of software to our pupils, we ensure they become proficient in IT, along with developing professional skills which will make them stand out in the job market. The interactive aspect and the instant response from this equipment will help to engage our pupils and keep them focused. Read more: https://rocket.fund/p/Greenfields/
Grantham Additional Needs Fellowship (GANF) are raising funds for iPads:
IPads provide our pupils with an interactive environment to develop a deeper understanding of each subject. Our pupils use Microsoft PowerPoint throughout their time at school. They use PowerPoint to create presentations to show their knowledge of the topics they study. Throughout the year, our pupils deliver presentations to parents and carers to show their progress.
Read more: https://rocket.fund/p/ganfschools/
John Fielding Special School are raising funds for iPads:
Our pupils’ unique needs require specialist equipment which is often expensive and individual in its function. With iPads, we can meet a variety of needs using one iPad and an assortment of software. Using this equipment as a communication tool, we literally give our children a voice. In being able to express their needs and concerns children are less likely to exhibit challenging behaviour as staff and carers react to issues before the child can become frustrated.
Read more: https://rocket.fund/p/JohnFielding/
Spalding Special Schools Federation are raising funds for laptops:
Laptops provide our pupils with an interactive environment to develop a deeper understanding of each subject. Priory and Garth pupils utilise Scratch and Purple Mash as part of their curriculum. Scratch is an online coding program helping pupils to create videos and games. Purple Mash is another coding program but also provides curricular support for Science, Maths and Literacy.
The interactive aspect and the instant response from this equipment helps engage our pupils and keep them focused. Many of our pupils access the internet at home, and many of them often have an IT knowledge that surpasses their parents or carers. Using the laptops, we can teach them how to stay safe online and educate them on the dangers that can be found online. Read more: https://rocket.fund/p/spaldingspecialschools/