Pupils at Caythorpe Primary School have enjoyed an exciting first fortnight back at school, learning all about careers as part of their ‘When I Grow Up’ topic. Welcoming an array of guest speakers, many of whom are parents of the pupils at the school, classes have experienced a variety of workshops from helicopter pilots to optometrists.
Visitors talked through their job roles and experiences, whilst also providing guidance on how you can work your way up that particular career ladder. Many of the workshops provided opportunities for pupils to undertake practical activities, including trying on army equipment and partaking in yoga sessions.
Each session also presented the opportunity for pupils to pose questions to the visitors, prompting their imaginations in a school that encourages learning through memorable first-hand experiences.
Visitors included: armed forces; helicopter pilot; yoga instructor; archaeologist; nurse; PGL instructor; barrister; horse riding instructor; sales expert; musician; optometrist; fire fighters; martial arts instructor; health and safety manager; broker; veterinary nurse; police and crime commissioner.
Pupils extended their experiences to the classroom, undertaking a range of lessons and activities to help them consider their future career opportunities. Examples included looking at businesses in the local area as part of their Geography lessons and formulating a job application in English.
They even had a day of coming into school dressed up as what they would like to be when they grow up!
One pupil commented: “I have really enjoyed listening to all of the speakers. I would like to be a fire fighter when I am older but seeing all these visitors has made me realise that there are so many different options.”
Caythorpe Primary School would like to thank all of the parents and friends of the school who gave up their time to come and speak to the children.