Due to Covid-19, this consultation took place online.
The consultation window opened on 23rd September 2020 and closed on Monday 19th October 2020.
The Community Inclusive Trust (CIT), in collaboration with Lincolnshire County Council (LCC), is proposing is to expand the capacity of Greenfields Academy in Grantham.
It is the statutory duty of LCC to ensure that there are sufficient school places to accommodate all pupils of statutory school age in Lincolnshire including provision for children with special educational needs and disability (SEND).
This proposal is to expand the capacity of the school to offer up to 13 additional places above their current capacity of 65, to a new capacity of 78. The additional number of pupils will require supplementary teaching and support staff to meet their needs. Additional teaching space is not required to enable the school to increase the capacity.
The Consultation
CIT Academies direct mailed Greenfields parents and carers, local schools, further education providers, local-councillors, MPs, District and Parish Councils. The Trust also posted the consultation on their website and the school’s website, and ran a social media campaign to publicise the consultation and invite feedback.
CIT asked the following question and welcomed comments:
Having read the proposal, please indicate your view by choosing from the list below:
- I am in favour of the proposal
- I am against the proposal
- I am neither for, nor against, the proposal
The documentation used for the consultation:
The Feedback
Stakeholders were given the following opportunities to provide feedback:
Complete a consultation response form http://bit.ly/green-consult
Email direct to jacki.bartram@citacademies.co.uk
Telephone 03300 585520
Paper responses to:
Jacki Bartram, Greenfields Academy, Great North Road, Grantham, NG31 7US
Jacki Bartram, CIT Academies, Poplar Farm School, Helmsley Road, Grantham, NG31 8XF
CIT received eight responses via the online form:
- Six in favour
- One concerned about the number of teaching staff – this parent was then contacted to clarify that new teaching staff will be employed
- One against
No responses were received via email, telephone or post.
Please see individual comments below (names have been removed for data protection purposes):
“This specialist provision is a critical component of a well-balanced education system. The expansion of the excellent work already being done means more children will benefit and hopefully achieve all they can.”
“The proposal will improve access to appropriate education provision for vulnerable children with SEMH in the Lincolnshire area.”
“CIT and Greenfields Academy provide a vital education of students in their locality. I fully support the expansion to meet the growing demand for places at the Academy.”
“Wanting a place for my daughter at the school.”
“Good idea as places always needed, however worried on impact of class sizes and no extra staff. Travel distance doesn’t change for children who already live miles away from the school.”
“You don’t have the ability to run a school.” [Comment made anonymously, therefore unable to respond. Leadership at the school believe the comment had been left by a pupil]
“I am in favour of the proposal.”