A small village school nestled between Sleaford and Grantham, Caythorpe Primary is a hotbed of sporting opportunity and achievement. One of the first in Lincolnshire to achieve the acclaimed School Games Platinum Award in 2018-19, Caythorpe have since been awarded certificates for their commitment to the School Games before and during lockdown last academic year.
The School Games are dedicated to providing sporting opportunities for as many pupils as possible and Caythorpe enjoy taking part in a wide range of activities provided by the Carres Grammar School Outreach Service. These extended into virtual competitions when schools went into lockdown with Caythorpe presenting a number of their own virtual challenges, including a walk to Skegness in less than two weeks! (link)
Helen Hunt, Deputy Head and PE Lead, explained: “Caythorpe Primary has always prided itself on offering all children opportunities to engage in a wide range of sporting activities, events and competitions. One of our key targets was to get more pupils active during lessons which we did through active maths and English lessons.
We were particularly pleased to be awarded the ‘Virtual Participation’ Award as it was challenging to engage our pupils during lockdown. We set a range of activities that could be completed using household objects as not all children had access to sporting equipment. Pupils tweeted their challenges as well as engaging in virtual competitions set by our Carres Grammar School Outreach providers.”