Incorporated within their Lincolnshire Show Schools Challenge, John Fielding School are working towards becoming an Eco-Friendly School.
Pupils have already set up recycling and compost bins around the school and enjoyed a visit from Anglian Water who presented activities about saving water.
The whole school then took part in Earth Day, an annual event celebrated around the world to demonstrate support for environmental protection.
A range of activities were utilised on a carousel basis, investigating healthy eating, recycling and looking after the environment. Pupils made musical instruments out of recyclable materials to play and sing along to an Earth Day song, whist also junk modelling an environmentally friendly town. Classes baked Earth cupcakes, made vegetarian snacks and enjoyed fruit smoothies. Such activities helped them to explore the textures, smell and taste of different foods, whilst combining with National Vegetarian Week.
Some pupils then investigated ocean pollution using sensory equipment and planted seeds to entice bees and butterflies. As the plants start to grow, the respective classes will plant them in the sensory garden area.
CLICK HERE to watch a short film about the day.