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New Beginnings

CIT - Community Inclusive Trust. Where learning comes first


Not only did the start of term at Chapel St Leonards Primary School see the first day for new children starting school in the Reception class but it heralded the start of a new era with a new teaching team joining the school. Six of the seven classes in the school now have new teachers welcoming the children into their classrooms for the first time.

Mrs Jennifer Overton joins the school as the Early Years and Key Stage 1 Leader and will teach the new Reception children.  Mrs Nora Watson takes up her role in Year 1 whilst Miss Donna Vines will be teaching Year 2.  In Key Stage 2 Miss Vicky McGregor will be teaching the Year 3 children. Mrs Pruhs-Borrell, Deputy Headteacher, will share the teaching of Year 4 with Mrs Vikki Johnson, and Miss Laura Hanson will teach Year 6.  To support the progress of the children in Key Stage 2, Mr Jon Finnis also joins the team.  Key Stage 2 is led by Mr Tom Shaw who teaches Year 5.

Graham Almond, Headteacher, is thrilled to have the new staff at the school.

“This is an exciting time for Chapel St Leonards Primary. In the past it has been hard for the school to recruit high quality, ambitious, permanent teachers, but I am delighted to welcome this dynamic team to the school. I have no doubt they will bring about a renewed sense of vigour, ensuring that the children remain happy at school and make excellent academic progress.”

Not only are there new staff in the school but there have been considerable changes to the internal organisation of the school too.

“We have moved some of the classrooms around to create new spaces for intervention and support groups to take place.  We have also introduced a new house system, set aside a room for staff to carry out their planning, and reorganised lots of resource areas.  We have also had a decorating team in over the holidays, and the classrooms look amazing; bright and engaging for the children.”

“The work carried out this summer has been a real team effort and we are all now excited to see what this academic year will bring”.

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