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Poplar Farm pupils are treated to a story adventure with Grandpa Stick!

CIT - Community Inclusive Trust. Where learning comes first

Firefly and Swift classes at Poplar Farm School visited one of David Wilson Homes’ show houses on a sunny afternoon and were shocked to see Grandpa Stick sitting in the living room – particularly as some of the children thought it was a teacher’s house!

David Wilson Homes had kindly organised for one of Grandpa Stick’s story adventures to be relayed to the EYFS pupils as part of World Book Day celebrations during the week.

Grandpa Stick delivers stories from all over the world to schools, festivals and community events and immersed the Poplar Farm pupils in a tale from Jamaica about a monster – the children pulled some fantastic scary monster faces.

David Wilson Homes have been working closely with Poplar Farm as part of their community initiatives in the area – the school have recently benefitted from resources to support outdoor and practical learning.


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