With the country grasped by a series of measures to restrict movement whilst encouraging people to stay at home, such situations can be difficult for all of us to comprehend.
It is important that you look after your physical and emotional wellbeing as best as possible.
The Government explain,
‘How a child or young person reacts can vary according to their age, how they understand information and communicate, their previous experiences, and how they typically cope with stress.
Negative reactions may include worrying thoughts about their health or that of family and friends, fear, avoidance, problems sleeping, or physical symptoms such as stomach ache.’
To help combat such difficulties, they have put together a document to support not only the young people you care for but also your own wellbeing. You can find their advice here.
Naturally, such restrictions on movement could also result in more time being spent online and using electronic devices.
It is important to have regular conversations with children and young people about staying safe online but it is not always easy to begin such interactions.
This resource from the UK Safer Internet Centre provides guidance, along with an array of filters and safety mechanisms to ensure everyone in your household is staying safe online.