Woodlands Academy is a Specialist Secondary School for SEMH pupils (Social, Emotional, Mental Health), based in Spilsby, Lincolnshire.
The Ofsted report published in September 2019, praised the dedication of staff towards teaching and learning in the school, stating: ‘You have worked with purpose and vigour to maintain the high standard of education in the school…sharing your passion and determination to secure the best possible outcomes.’
Awareness of ‘each individual pupil’s needs’ and ‘greater awareness of each pupil’s capabilities’, combined with ‘confident and skilled staff using good subject knowledge to teach pupils very well’ has ensured teachers deliver effective lessons.
The report continued, ‘the school is a positive place to learn, where pupils are encouraged to have high aspirations and achieve well’, thus ‘pupils have positive attitudes to learning’.
Pupils acknowledged ‘the extensive amount of support they are given by staff’, resulting in pupils taking ‘responsibility for their actions and managing their behaviour’.
The ‘development of social skills, as well as learning to communicate effectively’ was also witnessed between pupils during the inspection.
The report underpinned how senior leaders ‘have a positive impact across the school’. It explained, ‘leaders work successfully to ensure that support for pupils is effective through early identification and the use of extensive support programmes’.
Findings also showed that ‘you [senior leaders] are ably supported by the Governing Body, the Community Inclusive Trust, staff, parents and carers, who all recognise the challenges you face on a daily basis’.
Concluding thoughts from the report identified that ‘pupils make strong progress from their starting points…preparing them very well for their next steps in education or training.’
Executive Head, Chris Armond, said he is proud of the exceptional work put in by the entire staff team.
He added, “I would like to say a huge well done to all of the pupils and staff at Woodlands. We all work hard together to provide the very best provision for our pupils, and the report proves that the work we do on a daily basis is outstanding.”