Isaac Newton Primary School have become one of the first settings in Lincolnshire to achieve the School Games Platinum Award.
The School Games Mark is a Government led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust, to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community, and Isaac Newton are delighted to have been recognised for their success after more than five years of hard work.
Alongside ensuring that every pupil has access to at least two hours of PE per week, made more active by tracking progress on an activity heat map, over 70% of Key Stage 2 pupils have partaken in extra-curricular clubs during the last academic year.
20 playground leaders have worked meticulously across the whole school to provide more opportunities for physical activity outside of lessons and a dedicated Sports Council arranged the House Games to promote sport and healthy lifestyles to all pupils. Every single Key Stage 2 pupil took part in at least one of eight intra-sport competitions for the House Games.
Isaac Newton also entered teams into numerous competitions across 16 different sports during 2018-19, with 13 of those encompassing at least two teams to provide further opportunities for pupils. The statistics total over 250 opportunities for pupils to experience competitive sport, including the likes of New Age Kurling, Badminton, Goalball and Boccia.
The school reached no less than four Lincolnshire County Finals last academic year, in Netball, Golf, Volleyball and Athletics, winning the latter two.
Isaac Newton are particularly grateful for all of their club links that provide further opportunities for their pupils to develop their expertise. These include: Grantham Tennis Club; Cliffedale Chandlers Table Tennis; Grantham Athletics Club; Belvoir Cricket Club, Soccer School at the Grantham Meres; Inspire +; Positive Futures.
Ellie Atter, PE Lead at Isaac Newton, was delighted with the outcome.
“Achieving the Platinum Sports Mark has been a fantastic achievement for our school. This award is for every child who has attended Isaac Newton not just recently, but over the past 5+ years. Their dedication to competitive sport, becoming leaders and showing drive and determination has been outstanding. It’s been a real team effort and I am incredibly proud of the children.
They are very fortunate to have a dedicated PE team within school, running clubs, transporting children to competitions and developing extra opportunities. A special thank you to Pippa Walker and Laura Jones, who work tirelessly in school to ensure the children at Isaac Newton get a first-class PE education.”