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CIT - Community Inclusive Trust. Where learning comes first

Greenfields pupil delivers cake to NHS staff on Christmas Day

Whilst many of us were tucking into our festive celebrations with family and friends, dedicated staff of the NHS continue … Read more >>

Poplar Farm School win Gold for Grantham!

Poplar Farm School in Grantham has been awarded a gold award by the Woodland Trust for getting involved in green … Read more >>

Greenfields Academy raise money for Grantham Foodbank

Greenfields Academy have raised a fantastic £196 through their Christmas Tombola and raffle at the end of term. These funds … Read more >>

Health and Wellbeing comes first at Poplar Farm

With the health and wellbeing of pupils and staff of paramount importance, Poplar Farm Primary School hosted their first of … Read more >>

Santas descend upon Spalding for annual Fun Run!

The public of Spalding were treated to a sea of Santa outfits a week before Christmas as pupils and staff … Read more >>

Greenfields pupils complete the ‘Farmageddon Trail’ during ‘Outdoor Education Day’

Year 6 pupils from Greenfields Academy visited Sherwood Pines for their Outdoor Education Day this term, undertaking several challenges in … Read more >>

Sandon Local Residents Meeting – Planned Hydro Pool

A meeting was held at Sandon School between 4pm and 6pm, on Thursday 12th December 2019.  Local residents were invited … Read more >>

Ambergate pupils visit Newark Air Museum

On Thursday 28th November, Stamford Bridge class took a trip to Newark Air Museum as part of their topic work, … Read more >>

Ambergate pupils compete at ‘Elite 11’ 2019

Five Ambergate pupils took part in the annual Elite 11 sports competition at the Peter Paine Performance Centre in Boston. … Read more >>

Woodlands Academy pupils enhance Snipe Dales Nature Reserve

Pupils from Woodlands Academy have been visiting Snipe Dales Nature Reserve as part of the school’s commitment to community projects … Read more >>

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