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CIT - Community Inclusive Trust. Where learning comes first

C.I.T. awarded over £5 million to improve schools

The Community Inclusive Trust (C.I.T.) have received funding this week of 2.5 million pounds to develop and expand 3 of … Read more >>

Woodlands Students build a 10ft high bike!

Students from Woodlands Academy in Spilsby have been asked by the organisers of Lincolnshire Bike Week, to design and build … Read more >>

CIT Headteachers back countywide reforms for special schools

Executive Head, Daran Bland, has backed plans to reform the way children with learning needs and disabilities are educated in … Read more >>

Caythorpe on their way to Leicester City!

Caythorpe girls win at Premier League Primary Stars Football Tournament

The Premier League Schools Tournament is one of the highlights … Read more >>

Goals rising at Phoenix

Ambergate Sports College 12 v 6 The Phoenix Academy

Ambergate made the short journey to The Phoenix Academy on Wednesday … Read more >>

Children of Courage Awards 2018

On Wednesday 7th March 2018 the Urban Hotel, Grantham was the setting for The Rotary Club of Grantham Kesteven 7th … Read more >>

Sport Support

South Holland councillors support safe sport in schools

Councillors across South Holland District Council have clubbed together to support a … Read more >>

Double Success!

Double Success at the Apprenticeship Awards 2018

Congratulations to Demi Weir and Richard Gamman from John Fielding School in Boston! … Read more >>

BTEC Engineering Success!

Woodlands Academy are pleased to announce that the challenge to restore a Reliant SS1 to MOT standard and sell it … Read more >>

Wembley Stadium Visit

At Woodlands Academy as part of the Year 11 Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Awards they ran a camping residential combined … Read more >>

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